Kazan Federal University - KFU

№1 en Aviación
Ciudad : San Petersburgo
Residencia : $ 35 USD por mes
Preuniversitario : No cuenta con Preuniversitario en el 2024
City: Kazan
Residence: $ 40 USD per month
Pre-college: $ 900 USD per semester
Figures and events
Today KFU is the recognized Center for academic supremacy, actively participating in international cooperation.
190 Collaboration Agreements with partners from 53 countries around the world
Member of 7 international academic associations
KFU in brief:
46500 students
2106 foreign students from 74 countries of the world
3000 representatives of the academic staff
121 visiting professor of the main Universities and Scientific Institutions of the world
479 Higher Education programs, 85 Higher Degree programs and 8 Double Degree programs included.
17 institutions, 3 higher schools, 1 Faculty and 2 branches in the regions
Academic mobility
194 students admitted to KFU
309 students who are going to study at partner universities.
KFU Scientific Profile:
43 laboratories worldwide (Open Labs)
47 international projects
90 Scientific Conferences and Seminars with foreign participation (more than 1400 guests)
1200 publications in Scopus and Web of Science
Priority areas
Biomedicine and pharmaceutical
Oil extraction and refining, petrochemical
IT technologies
Perspective materials
KFU Science and Research Base:
NI Lobachevsky Scientific Library with 5 million volumes
100 laboratories with modern equipment with a total cost of 25 million euro
8 museums
Student campus (Villa de la Universiade) available for 13,000 people
11 sports and cultural complexes
29 Scientific Research Centers
University campus

Student residences